Office Creature #4: ManCom

No one knows what they are up to..

No one knows what they are up to..

This kind of creature is usually seen lurking in their cubicle or big room sending e-mails and talking on the phone or whatever. They make the most out of their privacy since they are isolated from their subordinates. I call these creatures Mancom because their powers include manipulation and complication.. They have made intricacy as part of their anatomy. Most of the time, the goals of your company are not achieved because a Mancom gets in the way. They can influence anyone effortlessly and they are able to shape any policy to ensure favorable treatment for them. It seems that they have studied the skillful manner very well. They tend to make matters worse by also being Credit Cards, but they are not as loud as the Power Trippers because they choose to be unrecognized to be able to conceal their agendas. For Mancoms, the only way to make things ok is to follow their way.

  1. So we now have creature #4. These are quite rare. You won’t see them too much because, as you said, they hide away in there offices/cubicles and do alot of stuff… of course, you can never be sure if the things they do are work related… and if they are, whether they’re for the good of the company or just for themselves… it’s often the latter i believe.

    We seen ’em work. Looking out only for themselves. Even shoving others off the cliff just to get their way. You’d best be on their good side… you never know when they decide to discard you.

    Looking forward to the next one. Keep it up!! Let’s enlighten the world with one creature at a time.

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