Posts Tagged ‘abuse’

I need a 50-page report. Finish this in 5 minutes!!!
“I need a 50-page report. Finish this in 5 minutes!!!”

Power trippers have a liking on self-aggrandizing quest for ever-increasing control over others and they just can’t help it. Creatures of this kind have very keen eyesight for mistakes and ear-splitting voices for the faulty. It is because they feel that they own every matter in the entire universe, but most of the time they are the ones who are just second (in command) or subordinate. They are so much full of themselves that they don’t realize the ones having higher ranks than them are more humble. They ask brusquely for everything that they need and always say “ASAP”. They want every moment to be about them so the tendency is to make everything grand as long as they’re the stars. Talking about abuse. To tame this creature, all you need is to feed it with attention or just stay hidden.

More Office Creatures coming soon…