Posts Tagged ‘rumor’

"See?!! I've done this, like, forever!!!"
“See?!! I’ve done this, like, forever!!!”

The ears and eyes of the office. Creatures of this kind are always on the lookout for news of either good or bad. They are the most reliable sources of information there are in the office. They can sense the perfect spot to get the freshest gossips and hearsays. Correspondents are neutral beings since not everybody likes them, as well as not everybody hates them. Mancoms are afraid of them because they can divulge every single detail of their secrets. However, most creatures depend on Correspondents’ character. It doesn’t matter how ill mannered they get as long as they feed other creatures with information that are in accordance with the fact or truth. They can also provide entertainment by simply talking about other creatures’ private lives. One must be scared to be the correspondents’ aim of attack for only the strong to withstand them survives. Correspondents could be fun, but they’re also dangerous.

More Office Creatures coming soon..